Budweiser - The Wave

posted under by highSpirito3

ode to axe

posted under by highSpirito3

Don`t give up on vista Ad

posted under by highSpirito3


posted under by highSpirito3
Am dat peste o chestie foarte tare! Se numeste Firebrand si e plina de reclame :D plus ca e nou-nouta ;) Ceea ce-mi place la aceasta URIASA arhiva de reclame, pe langa faptul ca este uriasa, heheh, este ca are un design elegant si o organizare buna. Dupa ce o sa-l vedeti s-ar putea sa aveti de comentat in anumite privinte, dar va spun ca e beta! Enjoy!

Firebrand - The Best Television Commeercials on TV, Web & Mobile

PSP - White edition

posted under by highSpirito3


posted under by highSpirito3
Azi a trebuit sa-i caut lui Sorin niste poze de stock cu birouri.. Iata ce am gasit:

* tre` sa fii un gamer prea nebun ca sa faci asa ceva.. Sa renunti la viata!

* anything when it comes to a vw beatle! ;)

Best Ads on Tv - Ambient

posted under , by highSpirito3

Pe celelalte le gasiti aici.

Best Ads on Tv - Print

posted under , by highSpirito3

Best Ads on Tv - Film

posted under , by highSpirito3
Incep o categorie noua "best ads on tv" ca sa va tin la curent cu ce e nou si considerat mishto. Clipuri, printuri si outdoor.

Aici sunt si celelalte clipuri din aceasta saptamana. Va recomand "Shame" facut de cei de la Pine Sol.

World of Warcraft and Mr.T aka B.A. Baracus

posted under by highSpirito3
Frumoasa combinatia WoW + Bad Attitude Baracus! Nu e cine stie ce, dar e dragut!
Shut up, foul! It`s shweet!

hidden tags: ad, advertising, spot tv, reclama, publicitate, the a-team, baracus, games.

Another wwf campaign

posted under by highSpirito3

Great knockers, some advices and haia ia ia

posted under by highSpirito3

Crai - Visine

posted under by highSpirito3

sincer sa fiu.. nu-mi place sloganul! "mai bine cumperi doua!" :|

hidden tags: ad, advertising, tv spot, reclama, bauturi, crai, visine.


posted under by highSpirito3

speachless viral..

Need for Speed - ProStreet - Romanian Style

posted under by highSpirito3

Borat feels stupid..

p.s: aruncati o privire pe site-ul lor.
Taguri: viral, nfs, need for speed, prostreet, romania, clip, dacia, dacia1310, lada, pimping

posted under by highSpirito3

Macaulay Culkin`s return

posted under by Oktav
Macaulay Culkin se intoarce, daca nu pe marile ecrane, macar pe micile ecrane intr-un spot de la Orange realizat de Mother din Londra. Enjoy!

"Don't let a mobile ruin your movie. Please switch it off."

hidden tags: advertising, ad, spot, tv, movies, movie, film, macaulay culkin, orange, gsm, home alone.

posted under by highSpirito3


posted under , by Oktav

Agentia argentiniana, PepperMelon, si-a redeschis site-ul si au adaugat si inca un reel referitor la creatiile lor. Printre clientii lor se afla si Nike, spotul cu melcii fiind realizat chiar de ei. Vizitati-le site-ul, merita.

hidden tags: advertising, ad, agency, peppermelon, motion, animation.

Pioneer - Seeing and hearing like never before

posted under , by highSpirito3
Spot de la Superfad pentru Pioneer. Super motion!

Seeing and hearing like never before

by best ads on tv

posted under by highSpirito3

hidden tags: advertising, ad, viral, prints

Oxydo Sunglasses

posted under by highSpirito3
Compania de ochelari Oxydo sustine lupta anti-Sida intr-un fel mai..

hidde tags: advertising, ad, prints, sex, glasses, oxydo

Acura Smile

posted under by highSpirito3
Clip facut de cei de la MacGuff din Los Angeles. O parte din clientii lor ar fi: Coca-cola, Bmw sau Adidas. Aruncati un ochi si prin arhiva lor, n-aveti ce pierde ;)


posted under , by Oktav
Movember and Mo Bros fight against male health issue. Grow a mo!


posted under , , by Oktav
Super lucrari!

and smile the fuck up a bit !!!

Sa zicem.. Geneza Rapului/ Hip-hop-ului Romanesc

posted under by Oktav
Daca vreti sa stiti mai multe, click. Mi se parea aiurea sau dau copy-paste, mi se pare mai corect asa.

hidden tags: rap, hip-hop, romania, parazitii, morometzii, m&g, marijuana, b.u.g. mafia, black underground

highPixel issue no.2 - colours

posted under by highPixel
highPixel issue no.2 - colours is out!!!

hidden tags: e-zine, graphics, design, photography, colours


posted under by Oktav
Mi-am updatat sectiunea de grafica. Enjoy!

Aici sunt doua poze din cele noi!

also, checkout my dA profile [-]

hidden tags: photoshop, stock images, graphics, design.

The world`s dirtiest movie

posted under by Oktav
"The world`s dirtiest movie" de la Axe. Cine altcineva putea sa-l faca, nu?

Insightul celor de la Axe mi se pare extrem de misogin si de nociv. Adica pe langa faptul ca femeile, chipurile, ti-ar fi niste sclave daca te dai cu axe, oamenii astia mai incurajeaza si distrugerea stratului de ozon (vezi clipul cu muierile pe plaja). I hate those guys! Do you agree with me or what?

P.S.: Tabu, luati aminte si scoate dracu un spot in care sa-i trageti un pic de urechi pe oamenii astia! Ca la AdIdea m-ati ignorat, damn it!

hidden tags: spot, reclama, publicititate, advertising, ad, tv-ad, spray.


posted under by Oktav
Am postat si eu, in sfarsit, ultimul spot de la Sony Bravia! Sincer sa fiu, nu ma asteptam sa iasa atat de super-mega-giga-extra-ok

hidden tags publicitate, advertising, reclama, spot, ad, sony, bravia, like no other, inovative, bunnies, play doh bunnies.

Soko - I`ll kill her

posted under by Oktav

super versuri! vizionati pe youtube ;) dandy cowboys, shitty day si, mai nou, wet dreams..

Blog Action Day

posted under by highPixel
On October 15th, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind - the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. Our aim is to get everyone talking towards a better future.

Blog Action Day is about MASS participation. That means we need you! [...]

Casutele sunt trendy

posted under by Oktav
Creativitatea romaneasca e la pamant! Casutele sunt trendy.. Eram pe la Politehnica la metrou si am vazut afisele de la Dolce.. "Casuta ta" nu-stiu-ce.. Mai sunt cei de la Vodafone cu casuta lor.. si mai e o reclama la nu-stiu-ce-vopsea care iti face casa sa zambeasca ( campanie facuta de agentia Tempo)..
Ce de inspiratie, domnilor..

Made to mix

posted under , , by Oktav

super clip pentru Bacardi


posted under by highSpirito3

Sony Bravia Play Doh Bunnies

posted under by Oktav

Am gasit pe net niste poze cu ultima campanie, cea de-a treia, a celor de la Bravia - Color like no other - Play Doh Bunnies. Se pare ca in New York a fost invazie de iepuri. Eu credeam, ieri, ca e un spot, dar se pare ca era si ceva necoventional. Awesome!

Maine este Pastele

posted under by Oktav
Teaser de la Sony - Bravia!
Abia astept sa vad varianta finala de spot


posted under by Oktav

Sidaction - Franta

In concluzie: Nu mai faceti sex!!! Nu mai faceti sex in grup!!!

update: daca se intampla sa fii sters din nou cei de la YouTube clipul facut de LeoBurnett celor de la Sidaction, iata-l aici.

Vodafone vs. Orange

posted under by Oktav
Am gasit poza asta pe Trilulilu.ro
Spotul cu musculita al celor de la Vodafone.

update: Trilulilu time: Cosmote indoor. Sorry pentru calitatea pozei:

Motion Animation

Motion design de catre Loreta Isac.

Tipa a mai facut clipuri pentru MTV Romania.


Best of MTV:

Master Card

posted under by Oktav
Printuri pe gustul meu, executie super super super. Iar copy-ul este, de asemenea, de calitate.

Advertising Agency: McCann Erickson, New York, USA
Chief Creative Officer: Joyce King Thomas
SVP, Creative Director/ Copywriter: Robert Frost
VP, Creative Director/Art Director/Illustrator: Michele Raso
Print Producer: Jacqueline Messina
EVP, Worldwide Account Director: Richard O'Leary

reverse global warming

posted under by Oktav

"Turn off the lights and reverse global warming"

Advertising Agency: The University of Texas at Austin
Art Directors: Nancy Jeng, Matt Crump

Pentru cei care nu au creierul invers, precum Sorinache, printurile astea stralucesc la intuneric. Pacat ca nu e chiar atat de usor pe cat zice copy-ul, right? Marpha ideea, in orice caz..

doom spray - it`s what insects fear most

posted under by Oktav
tre sa mai zic ceva?

Advertising Agency: TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris, Johannesburg, South Africa
Creative Director: Paul Warner
Art Director: Adam Weber
Account Executive: Avril van der Merwe
Copywriter: Hennie Stander
Photographer: Clive Stewart
Illustrator: Adam Weber

don`t drop the soap

posted under by Oktav
nu.. nu e o gluma de genu "daca-l scapi ajungem amandoi in iad", e o campanie neconventionala in State pentru stoparea violurilor din inchisori.. de vizionat serialele OZ si Prison Break (pe alocuri asta)..

New Pepsi Light - Sexy Drink

posted under by Oktav

ok! ok! ok.. executia lasa de dorit, dar ideea imi place..

Advertising Agency: CLM BBDO, Boulogne Billancourt, France
Creative Directors: Jean-François Sacco, Gilles Fichteberg
Art Director: Paola Nauges
Copywriter: Fabien Moreira
Photographer: Jean-Noël Leblanc-Bontemps


posted under by Oktav

simbian mobile disco - i believe

posted under , , by Oktav

does it look familiar?

interesting huh?

posted under by Oktav

highPixel e-zine

posted under by Oktav
yo yo yo! greetings!
one day till we get to work for the highPixel e-zine!
the theme is "warming"!
remember! you can send me anything! design stuff, videos, motion design, music, photos and many other things!
also, we`ll have a special blog for this!
the mail adress is highSpirito3 [at] gmail [dot] com !
see ya!

star wars episode 3

posted under by Oktav

ford ranger

posted under by Oktav

mc donalds home delivery

posted under by Oktav

absolut vodka

posted under by Oktav
who said fights or wars aren`t funny?
i mean pillowfights, people.. Geez :P

i swear it`s not porn

posted under by Oktav
as the french said: malade mentale!
sick, dude! just sick!

xbox 360 again

posted under by Oktav

xbox 360

posted under by Oktav
aaah, this reminds me of Cannes, n`est pas filip?

carlsberg + mentos = ???

posted under by Oktav
viral ?

a new dove tv-spot

posted under by Oktav

norwegian hydro

posted under by Oktav
rollercoasters everywhere!!!


Product : Norwegian Hydro
Agency : DDB Oslo
Creatives : Martin Thorsen (Art Director)
Torbjorn Kvien Madsen (Copywriter)
Cyril Boije (Agency Producer)
Richard Patterson (Producer)

Director(s) : oenberg

Prod. Co. : Motion Blur Oslo
Country : Norway

by bestadsontv

blue foundation

posted under , , by Oktav
trip-hop gods
straight from denmark
blue foundation

sprite zero

posted under by Oktav


feel it

posted under by Oktav
how cool is this?

what about this?

mushrooms are oldschool

posted under by Oktav
this is like.. so playstation!

Agency: TBWA, Paris.
Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen
Art Director: Philippe Taroux
Copywriter: Benoit Leroux
Photographer: Thomas Mangold


posted under by Oktav
Pentru cei pasionati de design, desen s.a.m.d. ma gandeam sa punem de-un almanah.
Adica.. Eu propun niste teme, voi prin vot alegeti una si apoi in functie de inspiratie realizati niste lucrari.
Spuneti-mi cum vi se pare ideea si votati

posted under by Oktav
who said glasses aren`t trendy anymore?

posted under by Oktav
sing with me


posted under by Oktav
just enjoy it

posted under by Oktav
some of my favorite iPhone commercials

posted under by Oktav
an old obsession..

posted under by Oktav
can u put it where u want it?

posted under by Oktav


posted under , , , by Oktav
Rob Chiu //Chriss James Hewitt //Ben Lukas Boysen

Together, they are - Devoid Of Yesterday.

Enjoy their work.

here are two of my favs:

"This is just beautifully done digital animation that explores child's feelings. Created by the talented team Devoid of Yesterday. "

posted under , by Oktav
justin m. maller //artist of the week


posted under , by Oktav
this is only for the ladies!

the mac guy

posted under by Oktav
for the ones who said mac sucks, that mac is gay, that mac is..
eat this, you bastards!

by Live Search

posted under by Oktav
google is doomed!
ms.dewey is here!


posted under by Oktav
wanna see a ghost ?

for your soul..

posted under by Oktav
Cannes Lions 2007 54th international advertising festival

The guys from "15 for cannes" want to show it to you.

up it up

posted under , by Oktav

about up it up

"up it up! is a young and sexy record label that’s based in Rome (Italy), Stuttgart (Germany) and Liverpool (UK). In a world with an over-nourished music industry and its well-rehearsed production machinery, we’ve been releasing free music over the web since March 2003 - just because we can. Doing asides better than what they do for living is our way of stating that a system of copyright, audience economics and marketing strategies is obsolete and just sucks arse.

All our music is completely free, however, we are planning to produce vinyl releases in the near future. Those releases won’t replace our free output and they will not have any copyright licenses, and we always encourage you to copy, remix and spread our shit anywhere you want. It’s basically just for those friends who are DJs…"

enjoy the .zip

posted under , by Oktav
soule //flickR

war in advertising

posted under by Oktav

artist of the week //flickR

posted under , by Oktav
Stick-A-Thing is from Berlin, Germany. Curious for all kinds of urban art and expressions. Likes Capoeira Angola, Brazil, music and design. Enjoying to meet KoolKats from around the globe via Flickr.
S-A-T goodies are also for you. It can be shipped to any place and is for sale for interested people. Trades are nice but must be fair. It's a lot of work creating this stuff. All items are handmade custom toys, no industry involved. Ready to invade your backyards and urban areas.

see the flickR thang?

posted under , , by Oktav
design by conceptArt.
remy marlot -- photos & videos.
ill will //cartoons.


posted under , , by Oktav
design cu razvan suciu.

matei apostolescu

posted under , by Oktav
de vreo cateva zile mi-e sortit sa dau peste tot de acest om, cunoscut si ca beaucoupzero. dupa ce am dat peste el pe deviant, am dat si la galeria 115,si la galeria noua si pe arhiva, si iata am gasit si site-ul sau :D.
se pare ca Matei este mai cunoscut pe internet si in afara tarii decat pe internet.. dovada ca desi este unul dintre cei mai buni ilustratori din lume, abia acum aud si eu de el :| (nu ca as fi ditamai cunoscatoru`, da` totusi).

iata cateva din lucrarile lui Matei:

cover pentru computer arts. o gasiti si la galeria 115. unde mai puteti vedea inca vreo 16 lucrari, daca nu ma insel.

o puteti admira la Galeria 9. ;)
